⚠️ Urgent: Support for H.R. 3018 is Exploding!

⚠️ Urgent: Support for H.R. 3018 is Exploding!

Support for Biden’s ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ bill is EXPLODING! Over the last few days more than 25 members of Congress have co-sponsored H.R. 3018, giving the bill the support of almost 150 members in the House. Our sources tell us that Biden thinks he can ram ‘Red...
Video Update On IP Reform: Must Watch!

Video Update On IP Reform: Must Watch!

We are in what could possibly be the final hours of the 2024 legislative session. Senate Democrats are now approaching their forty-fifth hour as they desperately work to filibuster IP Reform. But that’s not the real problem. Despite having an overwhelming majority...
Missouri: This is Our Last Chance on IP Reform!

Missouri: This is Our Last Chance on IP Reform!

I’m on my way to Jeff City from the office this morning because the fight that we’ve been engaged in for two years now all comes to a head today in the legislature! This is the last week of the 2024 legislature session and the fight to pass IP Reform (SJR-74) is...

I’m in Hannibal, and I need your help

I’m in Hannibal right now with a team of MOFC members going door to door to let gun voters know that their State Senator, Cindy “Potty Mouth” O’Laughlin, is stabbing gun owners like you and me in the back. I’m on my phone and my thumbs are slow, so here’s a link to...
Missouri: Last Minute Push for Red Flags Coming!

Missouri: Last Minute Push for Red Flags Coming!

The 2024 legislative session ends in three weeks. This will go down as one of the worst legislative sessions in modern times when it comes to our Second Amendment freedoms. House Majority Leader Jon Patterson has blocked legislation that would enhance...