There’s A LOT riding on the August 6 primary.
Most of the candidates that gun owners elect in August will go on to win in November and will represent us in Jeff City for the next two or four years.
This election is or all the marbles. It will determine if Missouri rightens the ship and fights to advance gun rights or continues to let the RINOs gain power.
The policy implications are huge.
➜➜ Will we achieve massive policy gains like passing Enhanced Stand-Your-Ground law, repealing deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ and banning ‘Red Flags?’
➜➜ Or will 2025 be the year that the RINOs and the gun-grabbers have enough momentum to pass ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures,’ repeal Constitutional Carry, and weaken the Second Amendment Preservation Act?
Those questions will be answered in a matter of weeks. That’s why it’s critical the gun owners are involved in the primary election — not just showing up in November.
But it’s also critical that gun owners are suspicious, recognizing the fact that everyone in the GOP primary in Missouri claims to be pro-gun…when that is so rarely the case.
The good news is that the Missouri Firearms Coalition has done the hard part for you, surveying every candidate running for office and doing detailed video analysis on dozens of key races!
Below you’ll find the results of our survey program, see dozens of analysis videos, and see ratings for a handful of the best/worst candidates running this cycle.
(To find out which legislative district you live in, go here.)
To see the actual surveys we sent out, click below.
Gubernatorial Survey
Lt. Governor Survey
Congressional Survey
Attorney General Survey
Secretary of State Survey
Legislative Survey
As I said above, only a handful of candidates have truly earned a rating from the Missouri Firearms Coalition.
Sometimes that’s because these candidates have fought like hell for gun owners…and sometimes because they stabbed us in the back.
Check out the ratings below, then look beneath that for detailed information on hundreds of races!
Candidates with “A+” or “100% PRO-GUN” ratings!
Candidates with less than “C” or less rating!
Candidate for Governor
NOTE: Only candidates who have completed our survey 100% pro-gun will be listed below.
Candidate for Lt. Governor
NOTE: Only candidates who have completed our survey 100% pro-gun will be listed below.
Candidate for Congress
Candidate for Attorney General
NOTE: Only candidates who have completed our survey 100% pro-gun will be listed below.
Candidate for Secretary of State
NOTE: Only candidates who have completed our survey 100% pro-gun will be listed below.
Candidate for State Senate
NOTE: Only candidates who have completed our survey 100% pro-gun will be listed below:
Candidate for State House
NOTE: Only candidates who have completed our survey 100% pro-gun will be listed below:
If you see one of your candidates listed above out on the campaign trail, THANK THEM for being 100% pro-gun!
But, if a candidate in your district is not listed above and you see them out on the campaign trail, make sure you tell them to apologize to gun owners for refusing to answer the MOFC candidate survey.
Last, but not least, please share this information with all of your friends and family so they can make informed decisions!
And whatever you do, go vote PRO-GUN on Tuesday, August 6!
For Missouri,
Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition
PS. Forward this link to every gun owner you know!