Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and the entire DC swamp want blood before November, and their agenda is passing the BRAND NEW “Assault Weapons” ban bill (HR8600/S3369), recently introduced by Congresswoman Lucy McBath, to OUTLAW the AR-15 and hundreds of other firearms! But...
Stop Red Flags From Passing in Washington, DC!

Stop Red Flags From Passing in Washington, DC!

Congresswoman Lucy McBath is working to pass “Red Flag Gun Seizures”  before the November elections — and she already has almost 150 cosponsors! H.R. 3018 would allow liberal judges to hear bogus complaints against you and then order the seizure of your firearms...
Tell the Republicans in Jeff City to Pass IP Reform NOW!

Tell the Republicans in Jeff City to Pass IP Reform NOW!

IP Reform is the top gun rights issue in Jefferson City this year! Without it, the radical left (think George Soros) can bypass the legislature and repeal our Stand-Your-Ground and Constitutional Carry laws, then put overt gun control directly into our state...
Biden Wants to Outlaw Firearms Training!

Biden Wants to Outlaw Firearms Training!

Calling it ‘paramilitary activity,’ the Biden Administration is pushing legislation that would make it a felony crime to train with AR-15s in organized groups! The bill, S. 3589, is pure tyranny and would: — Make it a crime to train with an AR-15 with three or...
Tell the Republicans in Jeff City to Pass IP Reform NOW!

Tell the Republicans in Jeff City No Gun Control!

Everyone knows why crime is out of control in St Louis. God has been taken out of our schools, most kids aren’t being raised by a father, drug abuse is rampant, and the Left refuses to prosecute criminals. But RINOs in Jeff City are hoping to use this situation to...