Just 2 Hours Remaining!

Just as we suspected, we are hearing rumors from our members all across Missouri that polling locations are virtually empty and folks are getting in and out extremely quickly.

If that’s true, gun owners and gun voters like you and me can make MAXIMUM impact at the polls today!

And be sure to click on the links in the email below for our State Legislative voter guide, along with information about where to find your polling location.

So get out there – freedom and the American way of life are on the line!

Polls are open until 7:00 tonight.

Please VOTE if you haven’t already and take your pro-gun friends and family with you!

— Aaron

Good morning patriot!

Today is election day.

Today is the day that Missouri voters will choose Republican and Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.

And who gets those nominations will have an impact on Missouri politics for years to come.

These decisions will affect our ability as gun owners and gun rights activists to pass pro-gun bills like the Stand-Your-Ground Expansion Act, fixing our abysmal self-defense laws, and STOP Red Flag Gun Confiscation laws in the General Assembly.

That’s why it is so important for the members and supporters of the Missouri Firearms Coalition have the most information on the candidates as possible, and why we work so hard to get you the truth.

Will we be a state that breaks the mold and picks pro-gun FIGHTERS to represent us in Jefferson City and in D.C.?

That is determined by the people who show up. But we will know tonight.

To see our voter guides for the State Legislative Primary, U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate survey results, click the buttons below ↓↓


And in case you’ve missed it, please watch our very important video report on the U.S. Senate race! You can find the video here.

The polls are open from 6:00 AM to 7:00 PM today.

And with turnout predicted to be at an all-time low, there has never been a better time for gun owners to show up at the polls and make a difference in defending our gun rights!

To find out where your polling location is, click here.

Whatever you do, get out and vote PRO-GUN!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition

P.S. Please send this to every gun owner you know!