Gun Owners Have Fired Kathy Swan!

For eight long years Kathy Swan has been an overt enemy to our precious Second Amendment freedoms in Jeff City.

Swan’s behind-the-scenes work has been pivotal in stopping the advancement of SAPA legislation, as well as our bill to end deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ here in Missouri.

And as everyone now knows, Swan nearly derailed the Stand-Your-Ground and Constitutional Carry laws that MOFC passed in 2016!

Swan was determined to take her war against our Second Amendment to the Missouri Senate, where she would have been free to attack pro-gun legislation for the next four years. 

The Missouri Firearms Coalition made it our mission to EXPOSE Swan’s war against our gun rights in advance of the primary election that concluded earlier today.

We did so using a combination of social media digital ads, whiteboard videos, and targeted email deployments to every gun owner in Senate District 27.

Over 125,000 gun owners saw ads like this and this, exposing Swan’s years of treachery in Jeff City!

And it gives me extreme pleasure to announce to the members of the Missouri Firearms Coalition that gun owners in Senate District 27 have sent Swan packing — ending her war against our gun rights!

That’s right, Kathy Swan was defeated by the unashamedly pro-gun Holly Rehder in a race that was called only moments ago!

On behalf of Dr. Frazier and the entire Board of Directors, I want to thank each and every one of you who funded or shared our ads in this race and helped us expose Swan for the Swamp-Monster that she always has been!

This is your victory!

Every single penny of our election program in this district was funded by you!

I just can’t say thank you enough.

Everyone knows that Missouri is at a crossroads. Missourians are either going to stand and fight for freedom, or sit back and watch as the liberal left continues to attack our way of life, being aided and abetted by moderates in Jeff City.

Thank you so much for being willing to stand and fight when our state needs you so badly!

And a quick note to anti-gun moderates in Jeff City: The NRA may give you a pass for your betrayals of our right to keep and bear arms, but the Missouri Firearms Coalition never will. We never forget. And we will always be there to expose you. Just ask Kathy Swan!   

More later…

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition


P.S. She’s been there for eight long years, warring against your gun rights. But tonight, Kathy Swan’s attacks against the Second Amendment came to a sudden end as gun owners elected Holly Rehder to be the GOP nominee in Senate District 27! 

While the NRA gave Kathy Swan an ‘A’ — despite her work against Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law — the Missouri Firearms Coalition did everything we could to expose Swan with digital ads like this and this!

Thanks to your financial support, MOFC made sure that over 125,000 gun owners in this district saw these ads! Clearly these gun owners didn’t like what they saw!

Thank you for making this possible! Enjoy your victory! You’ve earned it!


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