I need you to contact your State Representative right away!
After working so hard for weeks on our bill to repeal the deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ that force you to disarm in dozens of locations here in Missouri — the bill is ready for cosponsors!
Below, I’ll tell you how to get in touch with your legislators, and give you a pre-written email to send to them if you would like to use it.
But first, understand a little of what is going on in Jeff City right now.
We all know that the GOP has a Constitutional majority in both the House and the Senate, meaning they can pass anything they want to.
But with numbers that high, it also means that some of those Representatives simply claim to be conservative because they couldn’t get elected as a Democrat.
So right now, while we have the votes to pass pro-gun legislation, there are numerous legislators on ‘our side’ who are working to tank this bill quietly.
In fact, the weak-kneed approach of some is becoming so obvious that gun-grabbers are feeling emboldened enough to introduce legislation to totally repeal Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law!
(We’ll have more on that legislation coming soon.)
That’s why your State Representative needs to hear from you right away — so he knows what you expect him to do on your behalf in Jeff City!
As a reminder, this legislation, sponsored by Rep. Jered Taylor, would simply remove all of the state mandated ‘Gun Free Zones’ from the books here in Missouri.
While there are some areas off limits to gun owners due to federal law, most of these zones in Missouri are that way thanks to state code!
Churches, daycares, sports facilities, local government meetings, many restaurants, schools, amusement parks, hospitals -– all of these places require you to disarm!
Is it any wonder, then, that we see so many mass shootings take place in places just like these across the country?
Of course not, as would-be killers know that if they launch an attack in one of these places they are all but guaranteed to not encounter armed resistance!
That’s why we need to pass H.B. 1936 right away, to make sure that Missouri is no longer leaving citizens helpless in these locations!
You can help us do that, by making sure your legislator cosponsors Rep. Taylor’s bill right away!
If you’re not sure who you State Representative is, click here to find out.
Once you know who your State Representative is, you can find his phone number and email address by clicking here.
Once you have the information you need, please feel free to email, call, and message your State Representative on Facebook! If you can, do all three, it’s that important!
If you’d like to use our pre-written email when speaking with your legislator, you can find it at the bottom of this email.
Remember, we have been here before.
Last session this bill passed through three House Committees before it died. But it died.
So don’t accept a statement like, ‘I’m not going to be able to cosponsor, but I’ll vote for it on the floor,’ or ‘I’ll look the bill over, and think about it.’
Those are meaningless throw away lines, designed to make you shut up and go away.
It’s time for your State Representative to stand up for the Second Amendment and cosponsor this bill!
Don’t forget to remind your legislator that this is an election year.
So make sure they understand that before they come around asking for your money, volunteer time, and votes you expect them to back this bill!
Once you’ve contacted your legislator, please forward this email on to as many pro-gun friends and family members as possible –- and urge them to make their voice heard.
Make no mistake, Michael Bloomberg’s front-group is working hard in Jeff City to shut this bill down.
You need to make your voice heard, right away!
Once you’ve done that, please consider a donation to the Missouri Firearms Coalition.
We don’t receive money from an out-of-state billionaire like gun-control groups do, nor do we receive any governmental funds.
Rather, we maintain our fight for the Second Amendment thanks to the generosity of grassroots gun owners right here in Missouri.
And right now is when we need your help the most, so that we can mobilize as many gun owners as possible in supporting this legislation.
Either way, please make sure you contact your State Representative right away, that’s most important.

Dr. Curt Frazier
Chairman of the Board
P.S. Our bill to repeal deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ here in Missouri is ready for cosponsors — which is why I need you to contact your State Representative right away!
The bill, H.B. 1936, is being sponsored by Rep. Jered Taylor and would eliminate the dozens of ‘Gun Free Zones’ on the books here in Missouri.
You can find your legislator’s name, and contact information in the email above, and a pre-written email below.
Please act fast, as Michael Bloomberg’s activists are working in Jeff City to stop us.
Dear Representative XXXX,
As your constituent, I am writing to urge you to cosponsor H.B. 1936, which would end state-mandated ‘Gun Free Zones’ here in Missouri.
So called ‘Gun Free Zones’ disarm law abiding citizens and leave them helpless. These same areas are the favorite targets of mass killers, since they know they’ll face no opposition in these places.
Rep. Jered Taylor is sponsoring the bill, and it is available for your cosponsorship right now.
The Missouri Firearms Coalition assures me that they’ll keep me informed about this bill and your support of it.
Please add your name to this bill right away!
Sincerely: _________________