The gun-grabbers smell blood in the water here in Missouri.
And Governor Eric Greitens’ recent resignation is only one reason why . . .
After shocking the political world in late 2016 by passing both Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground over Governor Jay Nixon’s veto, our state legislators in Jefferson City have gone soft.
Despite being rewarded by Missouri voters for standing strong for our gun rights in the November 2016 elections — proving that support for the Second Amendment is just smart politics — many self-described pro-gun legislators have chosen to sit on their hands.
Now, it’s been two years since the State Legislature has passed ANY gun rights legislation!
And nothing emboldens gun-grabbers like BILLIONAIRE Michael Bloomberg than supposedly “pro-gun” Republicans who are scared of their own shadows.
With Missouri’s August 7 GOP Primary rapidly approaching, I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE action.
Will you please sign the SECOND AMENDMENT MANDATE that I’ve prepared for you, and rush it to me at once? More on that below.
As you’ll see, this SECOND AMENDMENT MANDATE simply insists that ALL of your candidates for the State House and Senate return their Missouri Firearms Coalition Candidate Surveys in 100% support for our gun rights.
My staff and I have already mailed out these Candidate Surveys to your candidates. Now they need to hear from you — especially with everything that’s on the line in 2018.
The truth is, after the recent murders in Parkland, Florida and Santa Fe, Texas, gun-grabbers believe 2018 is their year.
They’re looking to make inroads in Midwestern states like Missouri in 2018 to bolster their chances of taking out President Trump in 2020.
With media elites in their back pockets — and deep-pocketed anti-gun activist Michael Bloomberg ready to UNLOAD his campaign war chest — the Gun Control Lobby is primed to fight like never before.
So you and I have to FIGHT BACK now!
Step one in that battle is sending a LOUD-AND-CLEAR message to our supposed “friends” in Jefferson City that they’re not going to get away with continually stabbing Second Amendment supporters in the back without paying a severe price.
Sadly, I’m afraid many of self-described “pro-Second Amendment” State Representatives and Senators in Jefferson City believe they “did enough” in 2016 with Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground.
While you and I certainly made progress with “Gun Free Zone” Repeal during the last two sessions — passing the legislation through both the House Rules and General Laws Committees — GOP leaders chose to KILL the bill by refusing to allow it to reach the House floor for a full vote.
They think you and I will give them a pass.
After all, how could you and I expect them to actually repeal “Gun Free Zones” in the midst of media-driven mass hysteria over school shootings?
Here’s how: repealing so-called “Gun Free Zones” is the only thing that would help stop these travesties!
No government paper-pushing system or “Gun Free Zone” sticker is ever going to stop a bad guy with a gun. Only a good guy with a gun can do that.
And we need more men and women in Jefferson City who have the GUTS to say that.
If you agree, please sign your Second Amendment Mandate at once!
If all our state legislators will do is raise the white flag of surrender every time the media ratchets up the pressure, it’s only a matter of time until Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun pals seize TOTAL control of Jefferson City.
Believe me, the gun-grabbers know that . . . and that’s what has them so emboldened today.
That’s why the Missouri Firearms Coalition Candidate Survey Program is so critical.
Our Candidate Survey is designed to separate the sheep from the goats and the leaders from the scared followers.
That way Second Amendment supporters can hold gun-grabbers accountable at the ballot box.
First, we’ll deliver your signed SECOND AMENDMENT MANDATE to each of your State House and Senate candidates to show just how serious you are about defending our Second Amendment rights.
Second, I must ask for your most generous support to help me make sure every pro-gun Missouri citizen knows exactly where their candidates for the State House and Senate stand.
Leading up to the Primaries and the November 2018 General Election, the Missouri Firearms Coalition will make sure every anti-gun politician and candidate in BOTH parties is EXPOSED.
But that starts with your signed Second Amendment Mandate, so please take action right away!
But I must ask for your financial support, as well.
With your help, I’m prepared to blanket our state using email, mail, newspaper and Internet ads, and even hard-hitting radio and TV ads to EXPOSE the gun-grabbers’ records if I can pay for them.
With your help, we’ll leave no room for doubt about where each candidate stands on protecting your Second Amendment rights.
With Bloomberg ready to go all out this election year, your support today has never been more critical.
So, in addition to signing your SECOND AMENDMENT MANDATE to your candidates for the Missouri State House and Senate, please agree to your most generous contribution right away.
I know that you and I won’t be able to match Bloomberg’s MILLIONS.
But the good news is, we have the numbers on our side.
After all the anti-gun madness the gun-grabbers have pushed over the past few years, I shudder to think what could happen next if they skate through the 2018 elections unscathed.
It will only embolden them for future anti-gun assaults.
The good news is, with your generous support of $100, $50 or at least $25 today, I can make sure every one of Bloomberg’s anti-gun pals in BOTH parties are EXPOSED.
So please do what you can right away!
Your support could make all the difference.

Dr. Curt Frazier
With your generous support, I can quickly mobilize thousands of grassroots Second Amendment supporters all across Missouri to turn up the heat on politicians and candidates.
So please rush me your most generous contribution of $100, $50 or at least $25 at once!