Tuesday night was a long one in Jeff City and the legislature was working almost non-stop on their budget bill.
Initially the 4pm committee hearing on HB630, our bill to repeal the dozens of deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ in Missouri, was delayed until 7pm.
Later it was rescheduled to 9pm and then, as they were turning out the lights in the committee rooms, they announced that the committee meeting was delayed due to the time of day.
The good news is that the committee will be reconvening this coming Monday, at 1pm!
The bad news was that our Political Director, Alexandra Salsman, who was there to testify on behalf of this legislation — on behalf of gun owners all over Missouri — wasn’t there alone.
While it may be hard to comprehend here in Missouri, Michael Bloomberg’s front groups are extremely active in Jeff City.
And let me tell you, they are fighting tooth and nail to stop this legislation after gun owners statewide whipped them good last year with the passage of Constitutional Carry legislation.
(Dozens of Bloomberg activists were prowling the halls of the Capitol Tuesday, working to stop pro-gun legislation from advancing in the House General Laws Committee.)
That’s why I need you to take a moment to sign the petition that we’ve prepared for you in support of this crucial legislation! More on that below.
You see, there is one thing that gets the attention of legislators in Jeff City, and that is hearing from mobilized voters in their districts insisting that they vote for pro-gun legislation.
That’s why your signed petition is so important.
Unlike Bloomberg and his front-groups, you and I live here and we vote here.
So while we can never match Bloomberg’s money, we have something more important — local gun owners who are willing to hold legislators accountable for their votes.
That’s why when the committee reconvenes next week, MOFC staff will be delivering THOUSANDS of your signed petitions to the legislature, telling them to advance this legislation!
Make sure your voice is heard, by signing your petition TODAY!
Your signed petition is your way of reminding your legislators that they work for you, and that you want this bill moved through committee and onto the House floor for a full vote.
After all, House Bill 630 acknowledges a simple truth: bloodthirsty killers don’t care about a silly “No Guns Allowed” sign when deciding whether or not to attack innocent people.
In fact, as we’ve seen time and time again with tragic outcomes, these types of ‘Gun Free Zones’ are the most likely places to be targeted for a mass killing — because criminals know that you and I are disarmed in these places!
House Bill 630 would simply remove the current bans in so many different places, and let you and I decide when we want to carry to defend our families.
But as I mentioned above, Bloomberg’s forces are working to make sure that you and I are left sitting ducks in the face of a violent criminal attack, by lobbying the legislature to kill this bill.
This isn’t some meaningless petition like so many other organizations ask you to fill out!
We’re taking this to your legislators on your behalf NEXT WEEK!
And this issue couldn’t be more important.
The news brought word of yet another tragic homicide on the MetroLink just last night — another murder in a so-called ‘Gun Free Zone’ on the books here in Missouri.
This needs to end, and House Bill 630 would do exactly that.
After you’ve signed your petition, please consider making a donation to the Missouri Firearms Coalition!
Frankly, after spending every penny we had working to pass Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law last year, we’re not as prepared as I’d like to be as this bill advances.
We’re working to mobilize gun owners rapidly using emails, social media programs, and more, but we need help to fund the programs.
Please consider a gift of $50, $25 or even $10 right away.
Either way, thank you for your signed petition!
And as the committee convenes Monday, keep and eye on our Facebook page for all the latest updates.
For Freedom,
Dr. Curt Frazier
Chairman of the Board
P.S. While the committee vote on House Bill 630 was delayed Tuesday due to lengthy budget votes, the House General Laws Committee will take up the bill on Monday!
This delay gives you one last chance to sign your petition in support of this life-saving legislation that would do away with deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ here in Missouri.
Please sign this petition immediately and we will deliver it to the committee for you next Monday.