Sub-Committee Needs to Hear From You Right Away!

As we told you last week, HB 630, our bill to repeal “Gun Free Zones” here in Missouri, has been referred to a special sub-committee for review.

As we mentioned, we need you to contact the members of this sub-committee right away to make sure they advance this crucial legislation.

That’s because, as we all know, so-called “Gun Free Zones” are the favorite targets of violent killers who are bent on racking up a body count.

And it’s no wonder, since killers know that in these areas here in Missouri, they’ll meet no opposition since you and I can’t be armed in these locations.

The list of these places is long, including churches, schools, mass transit systems in multiple cities, daycares, sporting areas, local government buildings, and much more.

All told, there are 18 different places where you and I are left defenseless here in Missouri!

HB630 would fix this, and that’s why your calls and emails to the sub-committee are so important.

More, multiple members on this committee are aggressively hostile to your Second Amendment freedoms.

Rep. Lauren Arthur was a loud critic of the legislation that you and I passed last year, SB 656, and ranted on about the bill long after it passed.

Likewise, Rep. Tracy McCreery has been working all session with moderates in the House to advance a gun control bill that would add additional restrictions to gun owners in Missouri.

So you see, we can’t sit back and assume that this sub-committee will advance these bills without a fight.

So please, take a moment and contact the committee members listed below, right away. They are:

>>>  Rep. Chuck Basye, [email protected],      573-751-1501

>>>  Rep. Sonya Anderson, [email protected],      573-751-2948

>>>  Rep. Lauren Arthur, [email protected],      573-751-2199

>>>  Rep. Gary Cross, [email protected],      573-751-1459

>>>  Rep. Tracy McCreery, [email protected],      573-751-7535

>>>  Rep. Rebecca Roeber, [email protected],      573-751-1456

We kicked Michael Bloomberg and his money to the curb here in Missouri last year, with the passage of SB 656.

But we can’t sit back and let him have the last laugh by allowing lawmakers to add layer upon layer of restrictions on where you and I can carry a firearm to defend our family!

Please help us by contacting the names listed above. You can cut and paste the following message to make it easy. Simple tell them that:

As a supporter of the Missouri Firearms Coalition, I urge you to use your position on the Second Amendment sub-committee to advance HB 630, which would repeal deadly “Gun Free Zones” here in Missouri. As we’ve seen time and time again, armed maniacs almost always choose these areas to hurt people because they know that no one can fight back and stop them in these areas! Making law abiding citizens helpless doesn’t make violent killers harmless.

Please communicate with them right away. We’ve made it as easy as we can to contact them by phone, email and Facebook!

And when you’re done, please make a quick donation to the Missouri Firearms Coalition of $50, $25 or even just $10 right away.

We are the only organization in the state with boots on the ground in Jefferson City in a non-stop effort to fight for the Second Amendment.

But we can’t do it alone.

Please do whatever you can, right away.

Thank you for all that you do in defense of the Second Amendment!

For Freedom,

Dr. Curt Frazier
Chairman of the Board

P.S. With HB 630 having been assigned to a special sub-committee in charge of Second Amendment issues that contain multiple anti-gun legislators — we can’t take anything for granted.

That’s why I need you to contact the members of the committee right away using the information provided above!

It’s getting hot in Jeff City! We need your help.

So please consider a donation of $50, $25 or even just $10 right away to help us mobilize as many gun owners as possible!