It’s worse than I even suspected.
For weeks we’ve been warning you about a gun-control attack being waged in Missouri via ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure Orders.’
Of course, this is the legislation that lets a judge order your firearms to be seized based on the unproven claim of a bitter ex (or others,) before you’ve been convicted of anything.
More than that, these hearings are ex-parte, which means that you would not even know the hearing has taken place until law enforcement is at your door to seize your firearms!
With so many Bloomberg-backed radicals in Jeff City, we know this is a fight that they are going to make in 2019.
But yesterday, the first day for bills to be pre-filed, anti-gun lawmakers filed OVER A DOZEN separate gun control bills in advance of the 2019 session!
There are multiple “Red Flag Gun Seizure” bills (HB40/SB42,) meaning this fight will need to be fought in both chambers on day one.
There is a bill (HB97) to ban AR15’s and hundreds of similar firearms from anyone who’s not 21 — a slippery slide styled bill designed to encourage us to ignore it ‘since they can still buy other types of firearms.’
Senator Curls has pre-filed SB75, which would repeal Missouri’s hard-won Constitutional Carry law, as a favor to Michael Bloomberg!
And Rep. Washington is trying to disarm Missourians who carry in a library — adding yet another location to state code where criminals have the upper hand — since you are forced to disarm!
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, with fourteen bills be pre-filed in all. This was all done on the first day, we’ll assuredly see more gun-control bills filed before session begins.
We will be putting out alerts about how you can help us stop these attacks on the Second Amendment shortly — but for today, I’m asking for your help!
We need to mobilize a grassroots army to stop this onslaught, and we need resources to do that.
Some may be tempted to think that everything will be ok in Jeff City this year, that our Republican majorities will be able to stop all of this.
Don’t bet on it!
Republicans across the country are looking at “Red Flag Gun Seizure” legislation as a ‘reasonable stance’ on gun violence — and they are supporting it in droves!
The GOP passed this bill in Florida this year, and they did the same thing in Indiana recently. More than that, it’s on the move in ‘red states’ like Ohio, Iowa, Wyoming and others, just to name a few.
And frankly, it would be a mistake to assume that our ‘red wall’ will hold in Jeff City without a tremendous amount of grassroots pressure.
After all, in 2017 in the wake of the Sutherland, TX church shooting, Bloomberg-radicals demanded our legislative leaders pull our bill to repeal ‘Gun Free Zones’ — and they caved in and agreed!
Earlier this year, after a massive rally following the Parkland, FL shooting where gun-grabbers demanded that lawmakers pull our bill again –- our ‘leaders’ in Jeff City caved in again!
So now, with this bill picking up GOP support all over the country, we can’t take anything for granted.
Please make sure you are in this fight by renewing your membership for 2019 right away!
We will be sending out legislative updates shortly, urging you to sign petitions and to join us in the Capitol to testify against these bills.
Standing together, gun owners have made tremendous progress in the fight for gun rights since our founding in 2015.
We’ve passed Constitutional Carry, secured Stand-Your-Ground law, cleaned up our Castle Doctrine law and much more.
But the tide is against us right now.
We need to fight back — hard.
Please renew your membership immediately!

Aaron Dorr
Policy Advisor
P.S. Bloomberg-backed radicals are playing for keeps in Missouri in 2019, unleashing FOURTEEN different gun control bills yesterday alone!
From passage of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure Orders’ to overturning Constitutional Carry to banning the AR15 — gun grabbers are trying to crush the Second Amendment in Missouri!
Thank you, in advance, for standing with us!