I’ve got good news to report!
Moments ago, our bill to end deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ here in Missouri cleared the General Laws Committee by a vote of 9-3!
The bill, House Bill 630, did so despite Michael Bloomberg’s front-groups constantly swarming the Capitol during the committee process trying to kill the bill.
That’s because of you!
Your calls and emails and Facebook messages are making a major difference here in Jeff City — and so are your signed petitions!
Just this week, our Political Director, Alexandra Salsman, dropped off over 3,000 of them to the Chairman of the General Laws Committee as she testified on behalf of this legislation.

(MOFC’s Political Director Alexandra Salsman delivering over 3,000 signed petition from MOFC members, calling on the General Laws Committee to advance HB630!)
You see, this is how we advance our gun rights, by reminding the legislature that gun owners are organized and active in defense of our gun rights!
Having passed the General Laws Committee, the bill has one more committee hurdle to pass before it heads to the floor for an up or down vote.
That’s why I hope you’ll contact the members of the Rules Committee — right away — by calling, emailing, or messaging them on their Facebook pages!
Please contact:
>>> Rep. Shawn Rhoads, 573-751-1455, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Shamed Dogan, 573-751-4392, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Deb Lavender, 573-751-4069, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Jack Bondon, 573-751-2175, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Cloria Brown, 573-751-3719, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Michael Butler,573-751-6800, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Courtney Allen Curtis, 573-751-0855, [email protected]
>>> Rep. J. Eggleston, 573-751-4285, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Travis Fitzwater, 573-751-5226, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Elijah Haahr, 573-751-2210, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Don Rone, 573-751-4085, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Noel Shull, 573-751-9458, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Lindell Shumake, 573-751-3613, [email protected]
>>> Rep. Fred Wessels, 573-751-0438, [email protected]
Your message to the committee is simple, and you can use the one below, if you’d like.
Dear Member of the House Rules Committee,
I am writing to urge you to vote ‘YES’ on HB630 as soon as it comes before you!
HB630 simply removes the dangerous ‘Gun Free Zones’ that are on the book here in Missouri, and allows law abiding citizens the ability to defend themselves in so many public places.
Study after study show us the painful truth that so-called ‘Gun Free Zones’ don’t stop crime but actually attract violent killers, who know they won’t face opposition in these areas.
With there only being a little over a month left in session, and with the bill having already cleared the sub-committee and the General Laws committee — I hope you’ll advance this right away with no weakening amendments!
Sincerely: ___________________________
It’s important that you contact them right away, as we are a little over a month away from the end of session and we can’t afford much delay.
Once you’ve contacted them, please also send this message to your friends and urge them to do the same thing!
For Freedom,
Dr. Curt Frazier
Chairman of the Board
P.S. Earlier today, in response to your calls and emails and signed petitions, the House General Laws committee moved HB630 through their committee by a vote of 9-3!
The bill has one last committee hurdle to clear before it’s eligible for a vote in the full House! So please contact the members of the Rules Committee using the information in the message above!
Act fast, as we’re about six weeks away from the end of the 2017 session!
And if you’ve not already done so, please consider joining the Missouri Firearms Coalition today!