Claire McCaskill Hopes You Don’t Watch This Video!

With the 2018 mid-term elections just two and a half months away, things are heating up here in Missouri as Claire McCaskill desperately tries to run away from her record!

Having been one of the most anti-gun partisan lawmakers in D.C. for years, McCaskill would now have gun owners believe that she’s ‘good on guns.’

That’s why I’ve asked our Policy Advisor, Aaron Dorr, to produce the ‘Claire McCaskill Top 10 List’ -– to give you the facts about McCaskill’s war against the Second Amendment.

While Claire gives sound bites and meaningless platitudes, in our video report you will be given dates, bill numbers, amendment numbers and more.

That’s because facts matter. And the fact is that Claire McCaskill is an enemy to gun owners, regardless of her lies and spin on the campaign trail.

Please take a moment to watch the video here.


Now that you have this information, I need to ask for your help.

The Missouri Firearms Coalition is about to unleash a hard-hitting ad -– using the information contained in the video above -– all over the state, highlighting McCaskill’s war against gun owners.

We are hoping to run this on social media, radio, and even TV if we can raise the resources.

We need your help to get this ad up on the air!

Whether you want to run an internet ad, or would like to fund a series of TV ads, we need your help today!

So please make a donation, of whatever amount you can afford, right away!

And make sure you pass this video around to every gun owner you know in the state!


For Freedom,

Dr. Curt Frazier


Missouri Firearms Coalition

P.S. Claire McCaskill is doing everything she can to run away from her years-long record of supporting radical gun control!

Please watch our special “Top 10” video report, highlighting the most outrageous things McCaskill has done to target and harass law abiding gun owners!

When you’re done, please help us get our forthcoming internet and radio ad up on the air here in Missouri, so we can expose Claire’s record state wide!

Please help us fund our ad campaign, by going here!