Tell the Republicans in Jeff City to Pass IP Reform NOW!

Tell the Republicans in Jeff City to Pass IP Reform NOW!

IP Reform is the top gun rights issue in Jefferson City this year! Without it, the radical left (think George Soros) can bypass the legislature and repeal our Stand-Your-Ground and Constitutional Carry laws, then put overt gun control directly into our state...
Tell the Republicans in Jeff City to Pass IP Reform NOW!

Tell the Republicans in Jeff City No Gun Control!

Everyone knows why crime is out of control in St Louis. God has been taken out of our schools, most kids aren’t being raised by a father, drug abuse is rampant, and the Left refuses to prosecute criminals. But RINOs in Jeff City are hoping to use this situation to...
Tell the Senate: Adopt Eigel’s Amendments!

Tell the Senate: Adopt Eigel’s Amendments!

Tell the Senate: Adopt Eigel’s Amendments! HB-301 is a crime bill that deals with a variety of issues. But tucked inside of this bill is language that would make it a FELONY for groups like the Missouri Firearms Coalition to even mention the name of a legislator in...
Stop Demonizing Firearms!

Stop Demonizing Firearms!

Stop Demonizing Firearms! Everyone knows why crime is out of control in St Louis. God has been taken out of our schools, most kids aren’t being raised by a father, drug abuse is rampant, and Kim Gardner is refusing to prosecute criminals. But RINOs in Jeff City are...