On behalf of all of us here at the Missouri Firearms Coalition, I want to wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!
As gun owners, we have much to be thankful for at the national level, starting with the fact that Hillary Clinton doesn’t occupy the White House!
We should also be thankful for the fact that pro-gun justice Neil Gorsuch was added to the Supreme Court this year -– increasing our chances of having pro-gun decisions from the bench.
Here in Missouri, after an explosive 2016 where we enacted Constitutional Carry and Stand-Your-Ground law, the past legislative session wasn’t as productive.
Our bill to repeal ‘Gun Free Zones’ here in Missouri (HB630) was shut down, but not until after clearing three separate House committees.
We had to battle Bloomberg-funded front-groups, the media, and anti-gun legislators all session.
But through it all, grassroots gun owners like you were there helping us with your signed petitions, donations, and trips to the Capitol to testify on behalf of this legislation.
And for that grassroots support -– for gun owners who are willing to stand up and fight for their Second Amendment freedoms — I am truly thankful!
So enjoy your time with family this weekend, after all, securing the Second Amendment for the next generation is what this is all about anyway.
But then I hope you’ll redouble yourself to the fight for the Second Amendment here in Missouri.
The 2018 session is just weeks away.
This is an election year, meaning legislators are going to want to pass a gun bill before coming around courting votes from gun owners.
It’s vital that we make sure they know that before they ask for our support — our votes, money, and volunteer time — that they need to eliminate the deadly ‘Gun Free Zones’ that are on the books here in Missouri!
With your continued support, I think that we can get this done in 2018.
In the meantime, enjoy your family time this weekend.

Dr. Curt Frazier
Chairman of the Board
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the Missouri Firearms Coalition!
Truly we have much to be thankful for where our gun rights are concerned at the federal level -– as Hillary Clinton is not sitting in the White House!
Here in Missouri, we’re getting ready for a major push to end ‘Gun Free Zones’ next session.
It’s an election year, so the pressure will be intense on the legislature to pass a gun bill before adjournment.
But we faced a tremendous anti-gun onslaught this past session that will not be letting up next year.