Emboldened by the passage of the Feinstein-pushed FIX-NICS bill, the radical gun-grabbers in Washington D.C. are trying to keep the momentum going!
Their next goal: banning so called ‘assault weapons.’
In fact, Senator Feinstein’s newly filed Assault Weapons Ban would specifically ban 196 different semi-automatic firearms!
To be clear, none of the guns on this list are full-auto military firearms.
Not one!
This list of everyday semi-automatic firearms includes rifles, handguns, and shotguns.
Of course, with the definitions being as broad as they are, hundreds more firearms that you and I legally enjoy today would be swept up in this attack on our gun rights!
The Senate version of this bill already has 29 cosponsors and the House companion bill (H.R. 5087) has amassed a whopping 174 cosponsors and is adding more almost daily.
Here in Missouri, Congressman Clay is one of the cosponsors to the House version of this bill.
More, Senator McCaskill already voted in favor of this bill in 2013 and has expressed her public support for doing so again in an Associated Press interview just last month!
That’s why I hope you’ll sign our petition OPPOSING the Feinstein gun ban below!
Sometimes a gun owner will tell me at a gun show or over the phone that ‘I already have what I need, so this wouldn’t impact me.’
Think again!
The bill specifically does away with the ‘grandfather clause.’
Worse, it makes instantaneous felons out of you if you possess one of the hundreds of firearms that meet their criteria after the bill takes effect by making it unlawful to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess them.
Get that?
You can not own it.
But you also can not sell it.
Nor can you give it away!
And as you can likely imagine, the bill also makes it an instantaneous crime to possess a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition.
Like the firearms ban, you can’t give the mag away, you can’t sell it, and you can’t transfer it.
This is a blatant attempt to make criminals out of millions of gun owners who possess these firearms and accessories right now!
So much for handing down family firearms to your children or grandchildren.
More than the actual firearm, so much for being able to hand down a love for freedom, the Second Amendment, and personal responsibility should this bill pass!
I don’t know about you, but in the wake of the Florida shooting I am fired up and not willing to shrug and support ANY gun control of ANY kind.
That’s because the Florida shooting was a stark reminder of two things: gun control and the government in general aren’t going to be able to stop violent crime!
The murderer in Florida passed his government mandated background check — which didn’t stop him.
He entered a federally mandated ‘gun free zone’ — which didn’t stop him.
The FBI was notified that this individual may attack a school numerous times — which didn’t stop him.
Local law enforcement visited his home almost 40 times — which didn’t stop him.
But rather than admit that all of the gun control laws on the books right now failed in Florida — as they have in so many other states — anti-gun lawmakers are trying to blame law abiding gun owners!
Here at the Missouri Firearms Coalition, we’ll never back down and agree to ‘a little gun control’ in the wake of a shooting. Never!
If you agree, and are opposed to the Feinstein Gun Ban, please sign your petition right now!
We all know how this game is played.
Even if gun grabbers aren’t able to pass the entirety of this bill right now, if they get gun owners to agree to give an inch now, they know that in time they’ll get the whole mile!
And with the media whipping the anti-gun frenzy every hour of the day, even normally pro-gun lawmakers are signaling their willingness to make a deal.
So now is the time for grassroots gun owners to stand up and fight back and say “NO” to any gun control of any kind!
So please sign your petition now!
And when you’re done, I hope you’ll consider a donation to help the Missouri Firearms Coalition spread the word about this bill and mobilize as many gun owners as we can.
Too many gun owners assume that this problem is going to ‘blow over’ in time.
But this is different, as many of our ‘allies’ are banging the gun control drum.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is calling for gun control, as is Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ). And that’s not even considering ‘pro-gun Governors’ like Governor Kasich (R-OH) and Governor Scott (R-FL.)
Please do whatever you can, today!

Dr. Curt Frazier
P.S. In the wake of the Florida shootings, anti-gun lawmakers in D.C. are trying to advance their gun control agenda including the Feinstein gun ban!
The Senate bill has 29 cosponsors while the House bill has 174 — including Missouri Congressman Clay! Senator McCaskill has also publicly stated her support!
Help us stop the Feinstein Gun Ban, by signing your petition right away!