It ends tomorrow

Dear Gun Owner,

Your 2023 membership in the Missouri Firearms Coalition will expire tomorrow!

If you’ve already renewed your membership in our fight for the Second Amendment for 2024, you can safely ignore the rest of this email. But if you’ve not yet renewed, please do so right away!

Our fight to enhance Stand-Your-Ground law, defend the Second Amendment Preservation Act, and ban ‘Red Flag’ laws resumes in just days.

Joe Biden is a caged animal: he’s lost control of the House which is why he’s coming after our gun rights through Executive Orders and old-fashioned bribes to state legislatures.

That’s why we must pass these bills — and that’s why we need all hands on deck TODAY!

So please renew your membership for 2024 to ensure that the Missouri Firearms Coalition has the resources we need to fight for you next year!


You have one day remaining in your 2023 membership; act fast!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition