⭐️⭐️ Here’s What Happened in the Eighth Circuit Last Friday….

Dear Madelyn —

I wish you could have been there!

As you know, oral arguments in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals over Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act took place last Friday.

Unfortunately, the hearing was postponed a week. When the court rescheduled it, they changed it from an in-person event in Saint Louis to an online event only.

That meant that Missourians were unable to watch this showdown happen in person.

Thankfully, I was allowed to join Attorney General Andrew Bailey and his team in their offices in Jefferson City to watch them go head-to-head with the Department of InJustice!

Overturning Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act is a top priority for Joe Biden!

After all, Biden is counting on state and local authorities to enforce whatever tyrannical gun control orders, laws, or treaties he enacts.

Without the use of local law enforcement, Biden knows his agenda will collapse under its own weight!

Listening to the argumentation, it is clear that Biden’s lawyers will say anything, do anything, to try to convince the court to overturn SAPA.

Honestly, this isn’t even about gun rights.

SAPA is much more of a 10th Amendment state sovereignty issue than anything else. If SAPA law is upheld here in Missouri, the applications are literally endless!

That’s why we are fighting so hard in the 8th Circuit to defend it.

For a complete wrap-up on the day’s events, likely outcomes, our best guess on when we can expect an answer from the court, and much more, please watch this recap video, conducted moments after the court adjourned.

As you just heard, this fight will be going on for some time.

While we expect to win, if we do, the government will almost certainly appeal to the Supreme court. If we lose, the state of Missouri will certainly appeal to the United States Supreme Court.

Either way, MOFC has got to be prepared for the next wave of this fight.

Please consider a donation to our legal defense fund today!

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For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition