Video: Why is Congressman Jason Smith Aiding and Abetting the Enemy?

For years, we’ve been asked about Congressman Jason Smith.

Smith holds himself out as a conservative. He tweets about the Second Amendment regularly. He surely talks like a Second Amendment fighter when he’s home in Missouri.

But what has he actually DONE?

It’s a fair question to ask about any politician. And that’s why I hope you’ll take the time to watch this entire video update.

You see, Jason Smith IS doing something in D.C. Sadly, he’s aiding and abetting the biggest gun grabber in Congress! 

As you just heard, Brian Fitzpatrick is the biggest threat to gun rights in the entire Republican conference. He’s literally sponsoring Biden’s gun registry bill right now!

And rather than condemn Fitzpatrick, Jason Smith is enabling him, throwing high dollar fundraisers for him in smoke-filled rooms in D.C., while telling Missourians he’s ‘fighting for us.’  

This is outrageous.

Jason Smith needs to be called out for this behavior, which was never authorized by the voters of Missouri’s 8th Congressional District.

If you agree that Smith’s actions to raise huge money for gun-grabbers while refusing to cosponsor the bills I mentioned is insulting to gun owners, then take action right away.

First, call Jason Smith at 202-225-4404.

Tell Congressman Smith to withdraw from this fundraiser. And tell him to immediately cosponsor H.R. 374 and H.R. 450!

Second, leave a comment on his Facebook page.

Tell Congressman Smith to withdraw from this fundraiser. And tell him to immediately cosponsor H.R. 374 and H.R. 450!

Third, if you haven’t already done so, join the Missouri Firearms Coalition today.

No one fights harder for you in Jefferson City. But we need your help. If you’re already a member, consider a donation instead.

Fourth, share this video on your social media platforms.

The YouTube version is above. But you can also share this from our Facebook page to get even more views.  

Whatever you do, don’t lay this email aside and forget about it. If RINOs like Smith can assist gun-grabbers without feeling heat from gun owners, it will spiral out of control.

So take action right away!

For Missouri,

Aaron Dorr
Political Director
Missouri Firearms Coalition