Help Us Ban Red Flag Laws!

Red Flag Gun Seizures allow liberal judges to hear bogus complaints against you and then order the seizure of your firearms, before you’ve been charged or convicted of anything! In many cases, these are secret hearings that you won’t know about until they are over.

‘Red Flag’ laws obliterate your due process rights. You would have more legal rights if you were accused of speeding, than you do in the wake of a ‘Red Flag’ allegation!

Legislation passed last year gives Joe Biden and the DOJ $750,000,000 to use in incentivizing (also known as bribing) states into passing ‘Red Flag’ laws. And Missouri is high on their list.

If the DOJ can bribe Missouri into passing ‘Red Flags,’ it will give them momentum to try to do this in other red states.

The Missouri Firearms Coalition is working on legislation with Sen. Eigel and Rep. Boyd to BAN ‘Red Flag’ laws in Missouri — and ban the use of federal dollars to help enforce them!

Help us pass this legislation by sending this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Senator and State Representative and insist that they fight for gun rights by co-sponsoring this legislation IMMEDIATELY!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition so we can keep fighting for you in Jeff City! Get involved at!