Everyone knows why crime is out of control in St Louis. God has been taken out of our schools, most kids aren’t being raised by a father, drug abuse is rampant, and the Left refuses to prosecute criminals.
But RINOs in Jeff City are hoping to use this situation to weaken Missouri’s gun laws, as though our Second Amendment rights are the culprit!
The excuse we hear most is that “the law doesn’t give the tools law enforcement needs to address young criminals.” This is garbage. Missouri code sections 211.031.1(2)(b) and 211.031.1(2)(d) give law enforcement plenty of authority to address youthful offenders.
The truth is that Speaker Plocher and Senate Pres. Pro Tem Caleb Rowden want to appeal to moderates in suburban areas, hoping they’ll support them as they run for statewide office this year, at the expense of our gun rights!
Don’t let Plocher, Rowden, and the RINOs get away with this! If they are successful your 17-yr old son or grandson could be arrested for ‘crimes’ like having a box of .22 shells in their glovebox.
Please send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to your State Senator and State Representative and insist that they VOTE NO on any legislation that attacks our gun rights because of the actions of criminals in STL and KC!
Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of the Missouri Firearms Coalition so we can keep fighting for you in Jeff City! Get involved at www.JOINMOFC.com!